An Enrolled Agent Exam Review is a program to prepare candidates that already possess extensive individual and small business tax preparation knowledge to take the EA exam (Special Enrollment Exam (SEE)). An EA Review course is not an education program to teach tax preparation. Our Chartered Tax Professional (CTP) certificate program includes the Comprehensive tax course, plus two advanced individual tax courses, and two small business tax courses (5 courses total), providing the tax preparation education you need to get started. This foundational knowledge is everything you need to succeed as a tax preparer, and can be built on. Because the CTP program covers most topics on the EA exam (SEE), after CTP completion you can move on to an EA review course to then take, and pass, the exam to become an Enrolled Agent.
There is also a 300-hour experience requirement that must be completed before you can receive your CTP certificate. This is easily obtained working part-time over two tax seasons.